Benefits of Expanding the Zone!
If you need any talking points about why expanding the cannabis zone to the South side of Teaneck is a good idea, feel free to reference this list:
It generates tax revenue for the town. 2% of every sale goes towards Teaneck taxes.
It aligns with the town's goals for the updated Teaneck Master Plan. Specifically by supporting economic development and promoting a diversified economic base, while reinforcing our existing business districts.
It boosts the local economy and generates more traffic for neighboring businesses. Every $1 spent on cannabis is $3 in the local economy.
It creates local job opportunities. Cannabis jobs will be open to Teaneck residents.
It reduces crime. Regulated dispensaries decrease illegal drug sales in the area.
Cannabis is medicine for many people that need it. Making it more accessible for residents reduces their burden of traveling out of town to get their relief.
These are some high level talking points, but feel free to add anything else on your mind about cannabis and if you support its general expansion in Teaneck.
Meeting Information
Join us at any of the upcoming town meetings to express your support for cannabis zone expansion. Your voice at the meeting will demonstrate the strong community backing for this important cause. Please mark your calendar!
Planning Board Meetings
Thursday July 18th @8pm
Council Chambers
818 Teaneck Rd, Teaneck NJ 07666​
If you wish to speak, you must attend the Planning Board meetings in person!
Town Council Meeting
Tuesday, July 16th @7:30pm
Council Chambers
818 Teaneck Rd, Teaneck NJ 07666
Can't Speak? Write an Email
If you're unable to attend a meeting, you can still make your voice heard! Send an email to the Town Council and Planning Board expressing your support for expanding the retail cannabis zone to the South side of Teaneck and the positive impact it can have on our community.
Who You Can Write To
Teaneck Cannabis Sub-Committee:
Council Members
Other Council Members:
Planning Board:
Please add to bcc.
Help Spread the Word!
Help us raise awareness about the benefits of cannabis zone expansion by sharing this email with your Teaneck friends, family, and neighbors, especially residents on the South side. Together, we can build a stronger support network and make a difference.